Dungeoneer.com was founded in 1995 as a resource to the role-playing community. We provide ideas and procedurally generated content for gamers. One focus we have is in the language of names. We believe naming people and things is important, so we want to help you find the right name.
Please have a look around. If you're interested in peeking behind the curtain, you can come in the back to the Workshop where the stuff gets made. Much of what is here is a work in progress, but in the Workshop you will see how it is made.
Find unique character names created custom for you in the tone of a character's heritage, world location, and gender.
Research fine details using an Index Codex and probe deeper to learn the Development Details behind how these names are created for you thematically. Created in 2024 and 2025.
Determine your character's true alignment. Answer 15 randomly chosen multiple-choice survey questions and receive a scientifically determined asessment.
Trait, personae, descriptions A book of characters. Characteristics: Unique Personalities for NPCs
This open source software package is hosted locally here. It is interesting and has its quirks.
Read about the two new playable 5e Half-Dryad and Myxin species.
This magical compendium lists the names of Dwarven fortresses, grand Elven cities and towns, peaceful Halfing villages, woodlands, Orc and Goblin hideaways, seventeen regional flavors of Human settlements, and many more.
The Dungeon Master's City Guidebook. In a minute or two create a comprehensive book of custom and specific details that will breathe life into your towns and cities. Get maps, detailed characters, stores, inns, and plot hooks. All cross-referenced and available as a PDF or permanent website. The Dungeon Master's City Guide Book. Concept notes.
Find Taverns, Halfling Inns, Dwarven Pubs, Goblin Bars, and many types of establishments rogues will frequent.
Enter The Potion Library to discover and steal unique potion recipes and formulae. Guests are encouraged to use the notation service.
If you're not interested in brewing your own, please visit the Infinite List of Potion Shops which can include the town or owner's name.
Peruse Elvish love letters, Dwarvish bills of lading, The writings of Men, and magical symbols. Write a sample and then download it as an image or share it.
Shields are much more than just a bonus to your armor class. Armoria Shields is a wonderful resource for delving deep into a coat of arms and style which suits your heraldric needs.
Ever consider what a giant solid ball of some mineral might weigh? This page tells you why you might want to know. The calculator gives you the weight for any size up to ten feet in diameter and for 24 metals, 20 types of wood, 60 minerals, and 51 other exotic and common materials.
Watabou's medieval fantasy city generator (link) is a wonderful resource. Unfortunately it cannot be embedded in web pages. I have extended an earlier open source version to allow for that here. Below is an example embedding.
We also have a local copy of Azgaar's Fantasy Map Generator. If you haven't tried it, its worth the time.
Procedurally driven map creation is wonderful these days. There are many open source solutions and public services. Back in the early days of the Internet, real developers wrote in C. And then they had to figure out how to make a user interface. I made an interface to these Large Scale Maps, hacked the original source to make it more configurable and then let it sit there and get used hundreds of thousands of times. Then it died and I had to bring it back to life ten years later.
What do you really need right now? If it's a fully rules-as-written Fourth Edition D&D Random Dragon Generator with full specs and their treasure hoard then you're in luck! You really love 4th Edition D&D, right? Check out this spectacular specimen from April 30, 1995. There's also a slightly updated preface with dragon presets.
Try the radically earlier version of the book of names developed in 1995. It supports fifteen person name flavors.
The analog to person name generation is the ancient place generation system It was also developed in 1995. It supports fourteen customized place names.
What do you need more of? Is your answer ever fake electronic dice? That's what you think of every day, right? Well back in 1995 this was semi-useful. Casting Dice. It still is kinda cool in a geeky way that it does numbers to English words. I also made a Slack integration for it.
Simple. Ancient. Just about useless. What is it? An Initiative Roller.
How many coins fit in a pouch? in a small chest? a large chest? How much does it weigh if we need to transport it? Surprisingly useful information and a tool tell you all you need to know about coin weights and measures. How many gold pieces fit in a 10" wide by 8" deep by 5" high small chest? Find out.
Why might you want a 13 month, 28 days per month fantasy calendar? Back in 1994 I thought it was a good idea for extra days off. Every 28 years.